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                Heshan Zhaoneng New Materials Co., Ltd

                Heshan Zhaoneng New Materials Co., Ltd. is located in the Third Industrial Zone of Hecheng Town, Heshan City, Guangdong Province, covering an area of 80 mu. Zhaoneng New Material Project is a key construction project in Jiangmen City. The total investment of the project is 206 million yuan, and the output value will reach 1.5 billion yuan after the project is put into operation.

                The business scope of Zhaoneng New Materials includes: environment-friendly additives (magnesium stearate, zinc stearate, calcium stearate, barium stearate, stearate soap, fatty acid ester, bright lubricant, feed additive, PVC composite stabilizer), textile additives, water-based epoxy resin, water-based acrylic emulsion, water-based acrylic resin.

                Since its establishment, the company has greatly improved its scale and operation ability. At the same time, we have introduced foreign advanced technology and equipment, and our products have passed the ISO9001: 2008 international quality system certification.

                The company has won the trust of domestic and foreign customers with strict production management, technical monitoring and high-quality service.